We all have stories. And our stories matter.

Even if we may not run around telling everyone we meet about the events in our past, we've quietly made meaning of them. The meaning we attach to them forms beliefs, and our beliefs shape our life.

In the shadow work I've been doing, I discovered how much I hate verbalizing significant experiences from my past. (I literally wrote in my notebook, I FRICKIN HATE MY STORY)

It wasn't always this way.

I used to talk about how I felt about my parent’s divorce. I used to openly share how effed up it was that my father returned my college graduation tickets. I used to tell my friends how much I hated myself after I earned my master’s degree. And all the things that went along with the way my marriage to someone I believed I was going to be with forever unraveled.

We had 5 minutes in circle last night to tell our story. I noticed how gut-punch yucky it felt to do so. Something felt off.

I realized that I hadn't thought about, let alone talked about these experiences for a long time. I noticed the words that felt natural to speak felt old, from a younger me, and were peppered with shame. I felt small and it brought my spirit down. I didn't recognize myself in the stories as the woman I am today.

While it's true that those past experiences were difficult for me, another truth was absent -- I am a brave wise woman, a heroine in my life journey. 💥

And you are in yours.

I spent time this morning rewriting them to include more of the truth and shed extra weight holding me back from more freedom.

If you’re tired of being weighed down by stories that are no longer serving you, I work with women in private coaching relationships to rewrite them so they can live a bigger, braver life.

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