to my holiday visitor

ah, inner critic. how nice of you to stop by  (uninvited). come on in. it's been a while since i've seen you? or maybe i haven't noticed how well you've mastered subtlety.

the difference this time is - i see what's happening.

you want me to think twice about what i'm doing, where i'm headed, and if the decisions i'm making at this moment are right or wrong. you want me to fear, to analyze, to question the unknown. you want me to doubt my power and my right to fly high.

the thing is, i've been working hard this year. i've learned the mind is not the only way to navigate this life. the heart must find peace - its wisdom and desires also need space to breathe and thrive. i've chosen to surrender.

and guess what? i'm discovering purpose. how cool is that? the time has come for me to awaken to the most courageous thing i'll ever know about myself. i'm sure you're bummed i got this far without you.

so right now, i don't need you showing up (uninvited) to undermine me, doubt me, make me believe I'm not good enough. i'm great, and i'm going to be greater.

merry christmas to you too.




creation and destruction