radiating warmth

Third Chakra
Third Chakra

making peace with my shadow side and finding my light has been challenging, and even more so while in isolation.  about a week ago, i began working with someone in the yoga community to mentor/teach/guide me as i continue on the journey.  with her guidance, i anticipate breakthroughs through various practices designed to connect me to my body and open my heart.  see, as it turns out, i have a vata dosha, which basically means i live in my head.


mantra meditation practice is part of my homework.  the bija mantra are sound energies associated with each chakra.  the one given to me is intended to purify and exalt me in my inner quest and open up my heart for the divine.  but it feels awkward to say out loud, partially because it's new and partially because one of the words contains "HR...", thus requiring a slight tongue roll (which i have difficulty with).  and it figures that this would be the case.  another challenge, something to strive to "perfect" and be down on myself if i can't do it "right".  so to combat that, i've been softly practicing as i go about my daily life:  walking the dog, preparing food, doing the laundry, etc., both repeating it in my head and saying it under my breath.

i woke up early yesterday morning feeling ready to out my mantra in my first meditation at home.  i began with ujjai breathing then spoke the words, repeating over and over and over and over while focusing on my solar plexis.  about 15 minutes into the mantra, i felt an intensity in the area of my third chakra and a warmth radiating from it.  i thought perhaps it was my posture in bed, or the way i was breathing.  later, my guide told me it was normal...normal and good.

i focused on my third chakra again today during my yoga practice and in savasana felt it again:  a slight buzzy feeling and warmth radiating out from my third chakra center.   i have no idea what it means but i'm excited about this new development.  this is the beginning of connecting to my energetic body.


shoveling shit vs. raking leaves


moving with purpose